Thursday, November 28, 2019

Title of the Paper Essays (656 words) - Education, Education Reform

Title of the Paper ( Education: Social Issue in the United States ) Submitted By ( Kadeejah Johnson, [emailprotected] ) Number and Name of Course (Oral Communication - COMM 101) Class Meeting Time/Day (M/W/F: 9:00 A.M. - 9:50 A . M. ) Professor (Dr. Ephraim Okoro) Semester (Fall 2016) Today's Date (Friday November 11 , 2016) Bowie State University Department of Communications Bowie, Maryland A subject very true to my heart, has been the most talked about issue in the suburban and inner cities of the United States and that is education. The misconception with education is that it is free for everyone and is equally distributed to every student. The issue that has become the surface of teacher's frustration is Common Core, which is the standard test in both mathematics and English. It has been known that teachers could only teach students what the State or District allows them to teach with such moderations of being creative with the way they go about the lesson. The underling social issue with education is that it is education does not belong to the teachers and the school's anymore, it belongs to the State and District; leaving teachers limiting what the students need to learn and the way they are supposed to learn it. The best way to handle the issue is to give education back to the school and its administration to give the students the proper education. Going into our twenty-first century, we are finding more and more students graduating from high school not prepared to do college-level work or achieve sufficiently in entry-level jobs. The public business community is beginning to doubt whether public schools are capable of producing individuals who can become productive members of society. They ask the school systems how it is so many students can graduate with so few skills. One explanation is "social promotion"--that is, school systems' practice of promoting a student to the next grade level regardless of their academic ability. Although social promotion may seem new to us today, it has a long history. Social promotion has been a function of educational institutions for decades. Promotion of an individual no matter what his academic success has long been a standard procedure. Schools cannot appear they are failing to educate their students so they do whatever it takes to promote the student to the next grade. Will the debates over education reform ever end? Can any system of education ever be formed to satisfy the conflicting desires of the people? The education of America's youth is an important subject to most voters. Education holds a few spots in every election and has always been a crucial part of every candidate's platform. The people of America have many sides to each of the numerous issues that surround education. Some of these issues include the content of the curriculum, discipline policies, safety of the children, over-crowded classrooms, zoning regulations, quality of teachers, and the inclusion or exclusion of religious teachings. Parents are lost in the sea of different reform ideas to vote for when they fill out their ballots. Simply, parents want their children to receive a superb education. Searching for a school that can provide such an education can prove to be a difficult task. The largest supplier of education is the government. While almost half of America consider the public schools to be "only fair" or worse, the overwhelming majority of parents continue to send their children to publics schools (Metropolitan). The best way to handle such situations is to vote for a candidate that supports the issues in the educational system, and to not undermine what the other candidate feels about education. Always consider how a National situation can affect the future of your children or possibly even yourself.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

12 Awesome Learning Games for Kids

12 Awesome Learning Games for Kids SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Learning games, or educational games, are all about making learning, well, fun! They’re also about getting kids to see the practical nature of the skills they’re acquiring, whether that’s how to identify shapes in the world or how to spell difficult words. In this article, we explain what kinds of skills children can learn through games and give you 12 examples of learning games for kids in preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school. What Skills Can Children Gain From Learning Games? Learning games are entertaining, highly effective methods for teaching children valuable life skills. Here are some of the most important skills kids can hone through learning games: Fine Motor Skills: Coordinating small muscles in specific movements using the eyes Pattern Recognition: The ability to grasp and predict patterns in images, numbers, etc. Visual Scanning: Using your eyes to look in a systematic, pragmatic manner, such as when learning to read Visual Attention: Being able to focus on specific visual information and filter out irrelevant information Short-Term Memory: The ability to recall images, patterns, or other qualities that have just been shown or said and then hidden or removed from sight Reasoning Skills: The ability to process information, think critically, and solve problems Social/Emotional Skills: Includes cooperation and patience as well as how to maintain eye contact, resolve conflicts with others, and communicate effectively Public-Speaking Skills: Expressing yourself verbally in front of others both confidently and appropriately Foreign Language Acquisition: The ability to learn vocabulary words, grammar, and other characteristics of a language that is not your native tongue Active Listening/Listening Comprehension Skills: Giving your full attention to a speaker and understanding the message the speaker is trying to express Language Skills: Linking together words to form proper sentences/phrases and improving vocabulary knowledge The kinds of skills children gain from educational games can vary a lot depending on the game, the ages of the children playing it, and its purpose as a whole, such as reviewing a basic math concept or improving vocabulary knowledge. For example, a learning game that works to improve kids' fine motor skills would be better suited to preschoolers and younger children than it would be for older elementary school students who have already mastered these skills. Educational Games for Kids: 12 Fun Examples In this section, we give you 12 examples of learning games for children in preschool all the way through upper elementary school. We've divided the games into three age groups: Preschool Learning Games (Ages 3-5) Early Elementary Learning Games (Ages 5-9) Upper Elementary Learning Games (Ages 9-12) Preschool Learning Games This first set of educational games is geared primarily toward preschoolers, or kids aged 3-5. Puzzles Number of Players: 1+ Time: 5-15 mins Skills Learned: Fine motor skills, pattern recognition, visual attention, reasoning skills, social skills Puzzles are great (not to mention fun) tools for preschoolers to practice their fine motor skills and pattern recognition. Some of the best puzzles for toddlers and preschoolers are those that teach simple concepts, such as the names of shapes, numbers, and alphabet letters. Be sure you're using puzzles that are geared specifically toward young children and not adults (so as to prevent possible consumption of small pieces). You can also have preschoolers solve puzzles in pairs or groups, or see whether they can solve the puzzle within a certain time frame. This should naturally be followed by a reward for the winners! Hot Potato Number of Players: 3+ Time: 5-15 mins, depending on size of group Skills Learned: Fine motor skills, social skills, public-speaking skills Hot potato is a classic game you likely played as a kid but perhaps never realized just how many skills you were learning as a result! There are many variations on hot potato, but the most basic form, which is the easiest to do with extremely young players, is to have all the kids sit in a circle and give one of them a beanbag (or other soft "potato" substitute, such as a small pillow or a stuffed animal). Turn on some music and then have the kids quickly pass the "potato" to the person next to them in the circle as fast as they can. Once the music stops (you decide when to pause it- remember, random pauses are key to the surprises in the game), the child holding the potato is out (or must do something as punishment, such as reciting the alphabet or counting aloud 1-10). Continue playing until just one child is left. Here are a few other variations on hot potato you could try: Allow the children to toss the "potato" to anyone in the circle (except for the person who just tossed it to you, unless there are only two players left) Have each kid answer a question when given the potato before they can pass it to someone else (for example, you show them a picture of a shape and ask what its name is) Use multiple "potatoes" to up the ante! A teddy bear works well as a "potato." This one's even the right color! Memory/Concentration Number of Players: 1+ Time: 10-15 mins Skills Learned: Short-term memory, fine motor skills, visual attention Memory, or concentration, is a fun, easygoing game that improves children's short-term memory and fine motor skills. There are several different ways you can set up this game depending on the resources you have: Picture cards with matching pairs: With this method, you’ll take a deck of picture cards and spread them out face down on a desk or the floor. Each child will then take turns flipping over two random cards. If the two cards are different, the child must flip them back over and leave them in their original spot. If the two cards do match, the child places them in front of herself. Continue playing until there are no more cards left; the child with the most matches wins. Puzzle pieces with pictures and matching pairs: Puzzle pieces with different edges and/or shapes work well for young children because they’re easier to grab and provide clearer hints as to which pieces will likely fit together. Flip over puzzle pieces two at a time, and play in the same way as described above. Pre-made memory game with windows: If you don’t want to set up your own concentration game with cards or puzzle pieces, then you might want to buy a pre-made memory game that comes with windows, such as this classic version by Melissa Doug (for ages 5-7). Four Corners Number of Players: The more, the merrier! Time: 10-15 mins per round Skills Learned: Active listening skills, public-speaking skills, social skills This classic game is great for burning off some energy. Start by labeling each corner of the room with a different number (or letters, shapes, cardinal directions, or anything else you’re currently teaching your kids). For example, if you want to focus on shapes, you could label each corner a different shape, such as a rectangle, a circle, a trapezoid, and a triangle. Choose one child to be "it" and blindfold them. The rest of the children will each pick a corner and move to it (without the child who is "it" knowing which corner has how many people in it). Still blindfolded, the "it" kid says the label of one of the four corners. With the example above, this would be one of the four shapes. All children standing in the corner whose label is called must immediately return to their seats, as they are now out. Repeat this process until there are four or fewer children left, at which point each kid must choose a different corner. The last person standing wins and becomes the "it" kid for the next round. Early Elementary Learning Games These kids' learning games can be played with children in early elementary school (kindergarten to around third grade). Fruits Basket Number of Players: Best with 8+ Time: 10-15 mins Skills Learned: Active listening skills, foreign language acquisition, public-speaking skills, language skills Fruits Basket is a wild game often played to get kids moving and learning things such as foreign-language vocabulary, numbers, letters, and so on. The game is similar to musical chairs. Put chairs in a circle so that there’s one less chair than there are children playing (e.g., if you have seven kids playing, you’d have six chairs). Make the chairs facing inward toward the middle of the circle. Each child will wear a picture of something around their neck, such as a particular shape, alphabet letter, or animal. Limit the number of unique cards to three or four, depending on the size of the group. This means that there should always be at least two kids per picture card. So let's say you have a group of 12 children playing. In this case, it would be best to have four unique card types, such as apples, oranges, bananas, and peaches. Four unique card types means three cards for each category(in other words, three kids will be apples, three will be oranges, etc.). One kid stands in the middle of the circle (also with a picture card around their neck) while the rest of the children sit in the chairs. The child in the middle picks one of the card names to say out loud. For example, if every child is a shape, the child in the middle could say, "Circle!" to make all the kids with "Circle" cards around their necks stand up and move. Once a category has been said aloud, all children sitting down who have the card with this category on it must stand up and find an empty chair to sit in. Meanwhile, the kid in the middle will also look for an empty seat to try to steal. Whoever doesn't get a chair is now the new child in the middle. Play continues until you decide to end the game- there are no winners or losers. Here are some additional tips for playing Fruits Basket: If a child is having trouble finding a seat and keeps getting stuck in the middle, they can say, "Fruits basket!" to make everyone get up and move at the same time. For an extra challenge, make it so that you can’t just exchange seats with the people sitting directly next to you (if they're wearing the same card as you). This game works great as a foreign-language activity. Have your children practice saying simple words in the target language. I often used this activity to teach my Japanese students English. Bingo Number of Players: The more, the merrier! Time: 10-15 mins Skills Learned: Visual scanning, fine motor skills, active listening skills, pattern recognition, foreign language acquisition Bingo isn’t just for the elderly- lots of kids love playing Bingo, especially if it means winning a prize or two! To play, you can either buy or make your own Bingo sheets. The traditional Bingo sheet looks like this, with each letter of "Bingo" representing a separate column with numbers in it (there's also a free space in the middle): The caller (usually the teacher or adult) will draw cards with numbers on them or randomly call out numbers. Each child takes a few seconds or so to look for the number and see if it is on their Bingo sheet. If it is, the child places a small token (or uses a pencil to draw an X or O) on the square with the number in it. If the number is not there, the child does nothing. If a kid marks five squares in a row, in a column, or diagonally, they call out, "Bingo!" and receive an award. There are many variations on Bingo. Here are some ideas for changing it up: Use pictures or shapes instead of numbers- this is great for teaching foreign vocabulary Get rid of the "Free Space" to make the game more challenging Change the traditional winning pattern and instead require the children to cover spaces in the shape of a giant X, cover all four corners, or get a blackout (i.e., cover the entire board) This next game makes kids the detectives. Scavenger Hunt Number of Players: The more, the merrier! Time: 15-20 mins Skills Learned: Reasoning skills, foreign language acquisition, social skills Scavenger hunts are great for not just getting kids to exercise and run around but also teaching them problem-solving skills and the value of teamwork. There are tons of ways you can set up a scavenger hunt depending on the age, skill levels, and interests of the children. The basic idea of a scavenger hunt is to have children (usually in pairs or groups) search for specific objects or clues in a room or other closed environment. Some scavenger hunts don’t require any preparation. For example, you could have children search for specific shapes in nature or colors of objects (especially useful if you’re teaching color names in a foreign language). Slightly harder scavenger hunts can entail having the children look for math problems or riddles, which they must solve in order to get the hint to where the next problem is hidden. Other types of hunts include providing children with a list of objects to find and gather, perhaps to put together later in order to complete something, such as a jigsaw puzzle. Simon Says Number of Players: The more, the merrier! Time: 15-20 mins Skills Learned: Active listening skills, language skills, foreign language acquisition Simon Says is a great way to teach kids how to listen and understand a variety of words, thereby improving their language and literacy skills. It's also helpful for teaching vocabulary words and grammar in a foreign language. To play, have everybody stand up. Make one person (usually the adult or teacher) be Simon. This person is the leader and is trying to eliminate as many players as possible. As Simon, you will say action phrases for the children to do, such as "Touch your nose" or "Raise your left hand." If you use the phrase "Simon says" before the action, the children must do it. If you don’t use the phrase "Simon says," however, the children must not do the action. Any child who performs an action that does not have "Simon says" before it or who fails to do an action that has "Simon says" before it is out and must sit down. The game continues until one child is left standing. Upper Elementary Learning Games This last set of educational games is best for children in grades four through six. Hangman Number of Players: 2+ Time: 10-20 mins Skills Learned: Language skills (spelling and reading), reasoning skills, public-speaking skills, visual scanning, foreign language acquisition Hangman is one of those classic, simple games that requires no major prep and is very easy to learn. It’s best played with a larger group of people or in teams. One person (usually the adult or teacher) thinks of a word and writes down a short horizontal line, or blank, for each letter of that word. Make sure to use a word that the kids will know and that is ideally relevant to what they’re learning. For example, if you chose the word "flower," you would write down six blanks, one for each letter. Once you have a word chosen and have written down the blanks for it, draw a hook-like picture; this will be what the "hangman" hangs on. It’s similar to an upside-down L or J. Draw an empty box next to this as well- this will be for recording wrong letters: Now, each student (or group of students) takes turns guessing a letter in the mystery word. If the letter is correct, write that letter in whatever blanks it appears in for the word (so if there are multiples of that letter, write all of them in). If the letter is incorrect, put that letter in the empty box and draw part of the hangman. Most people start with the head and then move on to the body, the limbs, and finally the facial features, such as the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. It's good to decide ahead of time what a full hangman looks like so the children can know at any point how close they are to losing. Anyone may guess the full word at any time. If the word is incorrect though, treat it as a wrong guess and draw part of the hangman. The players win if they guess the correct word or find all the letters in the word before the hangman is complete. You win if nobody guesses your word! To make the game slightly easier for kids, you can give them a category beforehand from which you’ll think of a word. For example, if the category were "School Supplies," then they’d know to be on the lookout for words such as "eraser," "pencil," or "notebook." Catch Phrase Number of Players: 4+ Time: 15-20 mins Skills Learned: Reasoning skills, active listening skills, language skills, public-speaking skills, social skills Catch Phrase gets its name from a popular board game, which involves describing a certain word or phrase to people without using any of the words in that phrase or any rhyming words. To play your own game of Catch Phrase, come up with dozens of words kids must describe to one another. If you have a large group of kids, divide them into teams (typically two). Write out the words on individual pieces of paper and then put them in a hat or bowl from which one kid at a time will select a word. Check that every child understands the word they get, and be sure they do not tell anyone else their word! There are several ways you can play this game; here are some of the most common: The traditional method is to have two teams. Each team takes turns describing a word to their teammates. Once a team guesses the correct word, play passes to the other team. The game continues like this until time runs out. The team not in the middle of describing a word when the timer stops wins one point. Time each group one minute and see how many words they can guess correctly. Have one child describe words one at a time (or have each child take turns describing one word). Give one point for each correctly guessed word. Don’t allow children to "pass" difficult words- this will make the game even harder! Teamwork is a vital part of Catch Phrase and other kids' learning games. Pictionary Number of Players: 2+ Time: 15-20 mins Skills Learned: Reasoning skills, visual scanning, visual attention, social skills Pictionary is an exciting board game that encourages kids to practice their drawing and reasoning skills. To play, divide children into pairs (or teams) and give them either a mini-whiteboard with a marker or a sheet of paper with a pencil. Each child will take turns drawing a picture of a word that’s been secretly given to them (written on a piece of paper and given to them or whispered to them by an adult). The other kid has a certain amount of time- usually one minute- to guess the word that is being drawn. There are many options for changing up the rules. For example, you could have all the children who are drawing pictures illustrate the same word at the same time, or have every child take turns drawing a picture at the front of the classroom on the whiteboard so everyone can guess. Here are the official Pictionary rules in case you’re interested. 20 Questions Number of Players: 2+ Time: 5-10 mins Skills Learned: Reasoning skills, active listening skills, language skills, short-term memory, public-speaking skills 20 Questions is an easy game to play that doesn’t take up much time and can be played with as few as two players. The purpose of this game is for the players to correctly guess what one person is thinking of within 20 yes-or-no questions. The thing being thought of is usually an object, person, or place. As the thinker, you'll come up with one word and then have the kids one at a time ask you yes-or-no questions to try to figure out what the word is. Questions typically begin broad: Is it a person? Is it something you can eat? Is it something in this room? If it’s the first time you’re playing this game with children, it'd probably be a good idea to go over some examples of basic questions they can ask you so they have a better idea of how to play. As the yes-or-no questions get more specific, children can begin guessing the word. For example: Is it a balloon? Is it George Washington? Is it the playground? If players can figure out what the secret word is within 20 questions, they win! If not, you win. The one message we hope you take away from this article! Review: The Importance of Kids' Learning Games Learning might not sound like much fun, but the truth is that there are tons of ways children can engage in activities that are both fun and educational. This list of 12 learning games is certainly not exhaustive, but it does manage to show just how many different types of (fun) educational games for kids exist. Most of these games can be bought at a store or created with simple tools, such as paper, markers, and colored pencils. If you’re not sure what kind of learning games to use with your own kids, think first of the types of skills you’d like them to learn. For example, if you want your very young students to practice their fine motor skills, a hands-on game such as a puzzle would be a great choice. Regardless of the games you decide to play with children, you’re sure to end up having lots of fun- perhaps more than you thought possible! What’s Next? Want more ideas for kids' learning games? Then check out our expert guides on spelling games (coming soon), alphabet games (coming soon), and toddler learning games (coming soon). If you want to teach children, then perhaps an early childhood education degree is right for you.Our guide goes over what this degree entails in terms of coursework, and gives you a helpful list of the best online BA in Early Childhood Education degree programs. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Hannah Muniz About the Author Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Inventory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Inventory Management - Essay Example that idle stock that is held by an entity for fulfilling future transactions, then considering planes as inventory at London’s Heathrow Airport, then, the head of operations have various ways of improving the inventory flow into the airport. Reducing the time spent by the planes in the run way is such one option. Through the reduction of the time spent by individual plane on the runway, an opportunity is created to increase the number of planes landing and taking off, consequently improving the rate of passenger arrival and departure, which goes a long way in increasing the cash flow into the airport and consequently the revenues earned (Tempelmeier, 24). Scheduling planes for arrival and departure is yet another aspect of inventory management for planes, which serves to ensure that the planes does not compete for available resources such as runways or the passengers, when all of them arrives or wants to depart at the same time. Having a system, which clearly indentifies the w hereabouts of the planes, is another aspect of inventory management, which helps in communicating with the plane, reducing the chances of delays (Tempelmeier, 29). Considering the passengers as a unit of inventory, then, managing them becomes necessary to ensure there is effective arrival and departure from the airport, without having any delays or time wastage. The management of passengers as inventory requires the scheduling of arrival and departure time differently, to ensure that there is no congestion of passengers in the airport, which is likely to cause confusions and delays in clearances (Tempelmeier, 16). Designing different entry and exit routes for the passengers to and from the airport will serve to ensure that the arriving passengers and the boarding ones do not meet at any point within the airport, effectively improving the efficiency of traffic flow. Scheduling the earliest and the latest time that passengers should arrive in the airport is another aspect of inventory

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Outsourcing Functions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Outsourcing Functions - Essay Example Army takes active support of the capabilities of special operations forces, for the functioning of landlines of communication, and other civil programs. A whole range of missions is assigned by the National Command Authorities for the army to play its crucial role with the support from the core competencies. Thus, the core competencies relate to structuring the country’s security environment, quick action against natural or human created crisis, mobilizing the army to be a part of the action on war front, crossing the enemy physical borders by forcing entry, long term hold of foreign lands to resolve the conflicts, closing with and defeating of enemy forces through precision fires and maneuvers by using information technology to its advantage. These are the critical skills that an army must develop and nurture so that it is looked upon with great respect by the powers that matter . Other core capabilities of army include commanding and control of Joint and Multinational Forces that require inter-organization collaboration on united handling of capabilities to foster competency. Army manages and safeguards people, land and natural resources as well. It organizes sustained operations of essentials to the army that includes supply, engineer, finance, medical, and personnel units. Army supports the civil authorities in domestic and global urgencies as well. These are such functions, which the army should outsource to outside companies that have greater expertise to competently perform the related tasks. It will leave enough room for the army to pay attention to more demanding tasks for which it is formed . The Corps of Engineers is one such organization, which is a part of the army. It is in the same way facing hardships in managing

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Clarity System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Clarity System - Essay Example The clarity works in a very interesting way; it generates quotations, verifies, compute all the orders, delivery notes, invoices on the PDF, word and even Excel formats. Quotations are normally worked out at jaw-dropping speed using powerful computation wizards which is compatible to almost all business sectors. Faraday & Howard (2003) The function of the Excel spreadsheet in the systems clarity space is a hotly mooted debate. Undeniably the unfettered use of spreadsheets in a financial setting creates significant risks. The spreadsheet constitutes an infinite flexibility which is strength as good a weakness. Altered changes and calculation errors that are not authentic can easily undermine the integrity of a spreadsheet budget and the entire consolidated process. The harnessing of bigger characteristics of Excel enhances organisations to leverage the high investment that is already made in the spreadsheet bound processes. Gerald A.M (2006) Clarity advances the precepts by deploying the look and feel of excel. The excel/web interface enhances the acceleration and incorporation of clarity system which reduces training costs because the templates and reports can look like any other spreadsheet. It simplifies deployment of the application since users can access the system via a browser which is already on their desktop. The advantage of using web/excel as the basic user interface is that it's a universal language that has been integrated and used in most organisations. Gerald A.M (2006) Single Centralised Data Model The CPM programs are normally defined as closed loop process, where determining functionality from strategic objectives and long term plans are integrated operational budgets that are monitored, evaluated and reported against absolute results. For a dynamic environment like that one for a construction company, it is advisable that information is shared across the board by the most crucial functionalities and procedures so that there is no replication of data and integrity of information is guaranteed. The structural information such as cost centre account or product group should be consistent whenever observed in the CPM functional suite. However, clarity system supports this capability through a single centralized data model. Gregory Wilberforce (2005) This is in marked contrast to other suppliers that frequently have to 'stage' metadata in complex systems architectures in order to establish consistency across the CPM solution. Inefficiencies such as these impose unwelcome complexity and inevitably invite higher costs of maintenance. Unified Solution Clarity system enhances multi-user functions; many users can integrate with the system through a web based interface, whereas all CPM applications can be accessed through easy-to-use menu system. The modules and templates are also controlled and relayed to the central system. The clarity system offers solutions that address all Corporate Performance Management applications. Single instances of clarity is normally used for budgeting, planning, forecasting, reporting, score carding, consolidations, profitability analysis, sales analysis among many more functions. Open Architecture Clarity systems supports online analytical processing (OLAP) and in conjunction with relational databases like Essbase and Oracle clarity leverages the investments that users have already

Friday, November 15, 2019

Analyse The Tourism Industry In Africa Tourism Essay

Analyse The Tourism Industry In Africa Tourism Essay This section will set out the means by which the case study will be conducted. First, the models which will be used to analyse the tourism industry in Africa will be explained Subsequently, this section will look at the methodology for the regression analysis. The models which will be used in the case study fall into two broad catagories. On the one hand, some models help define what the overall strategic framework for the African tourism industry might be, on the other, further models help formulate the best plans in more specific terms. Models to help formulate an overall strategic framework include Smiths problem identification theory, Oldham, Creemers and Rebecks model based on organisational objectives, and Hamel and Prahalads contingency view of matching model to circumstance. In addition, other models such as a simple SWOT analysis or PESTEL overview can help link strategy to circumstance Models which help generate add detail to the framework include Yoons Structural Equation Model and the similar models developed first by Crouch and Ritchie and later by Dwyer and Kim based around destination competitiveness and a hierarchy of priorities. This section of the dissertation will look in more detail at the models which will be used in the case study, briefly outlining their theory and making clear how they work. 3.1 Overall Strategic Framework Models This section outlines models which can help formulate overall strategic frameworks, and which will be used in the case study of Africa, below. The section will look at the notion of Butlers lifecycle planning and destination visioning. Strategic planning needs to incorporate a long term perspective, the development of a holistic, integrated plan to manage change through goal formation and also formalise a decision process around the distribution of destination resources. Such a plan should also allow quick responses to changing situations. Kotler et al have been influential in helping shape this overview of what such planning must incorporate. Strategic planning is particularly important for sustainability, as goal setting allows all stakeholders to have input into the future of the destination and help create a clear shared vision. There are, however, problems, for example the views of different shareholders with different value systems might be difficult to reconcile (Cooper 2002). The Life Cycle approach offers a technique for destination management strategy and a way to incorporate a long-term perspective. By differentiating between different stages in the life of a destination, management approaches can be tailored to these stages. The notion was developed by Butler (1980), who suggested that destinations cycle through six sequential stages: exploration, involvement, consolidation, stagnation and decline / rejuvenation (see figure 1) (Dong et al 2004). Stage Tourist Characteristics Local consequences Exploration Visitors explorers, travel individually, irregular patterns, predominant attraction natural Locals do not understand needs of visitors Involvement Start of variation in tourist numbers, low/high season. Man made facilities appear Residents start to dedicate resources to visitors, some advertising Consolidation Visitor numbers reach plateau. Package tours. Local economy dependent upon tourism. Stagnation Destination well established but loses fashion. Peak capacity reached. Tourists psychocentric Local economy dependent on tourism Decline Some destinations decline decrease in market Impact on local economy as visitors decline Rejvenation others recover by changing attractions, new natural resources Further pressure on local economy Figure 1: Butlers life cycle (adapted) It is possible to adapt the idea of the life cycle to integrate sustainable tourism with appropriate management strategies at each stage of the cycle with holistic planning (Bramwell and Lane 1993). One useful approach is Life Cycle Analysis (Jain 1985) which combines the notion of the life cycle with Porters competitive position (dominant to weak). This is set out in figure 2 (Cooper 2003). Competitive Position Stages of Industry Maturity Embryonic Growth Mature Aging Dominant Fast growing Start up Fast growing, leadership Renewing Defending position Defend position, Renew, cost leadership Defend position Focus Renew Adapt Strong Start up Differentiate Growth Fast growth Catch-up Differentiate Attain cost leadership Renew Focus Change with industry Find and retain niche Grow with industry Harvest Favourable Start up Differentiate Focus Grow Differentiate Focus Grow with industry Find and hold niche Renew Turnaround Differentiate Grow with industry Retrench Turnaround Tenable Start up Grow with Industry Focus Harvest, Catch-up Find niche Hold niche Focus Grow with industry Harvest Turnaround Retrench Divest Retrench Weak Find niche Catch up Grow with industry Turnaround Retrench Withdraw Divest Withdraw Figure 2: Jains Life Cycle Matrix (adapted from Cooper, 2003) Another useful approach is that of Destination Visioning. This was suggested by Ritchie (1994) as a way to address the needs of strategic planning for tourism. This approach places power in the hands of the community, including local government, residents and businesses who have a central role in creating a strategic plan for the destination. There are three key ideas involved in Ritchies destination visioning. First, the vision needs to bring together the views the entire community as well as other stakeholders. Second, all involved parties need to agree about the vision, and third, the vision needs to incorporate long-term development plans. Cooper (2002) elaborates a practical strategy for delivering this vision with firstly a destination audit the commissioning of research to look at the nature of tourism in the region currently, the second stage position stagements for key areas including market, investment, environment, and followed by visioning workshops perhaps the most imp ortant element with workshops held around the area to find out the views of all community members about tourism in the area. This feeds into the next stage Development of the Vision where results are analysed and used to prepare a development plan. Finally, this is followed by the implementation scale. While there are acknowledged difficulties with Destination visioning for example problems in making sure all community views are gathered, and difficulties gaining agreement on some areas, it seems a useful tool for developing a sustainable tourism plan (Cooper, 2002) The case study will also bear in mind Oldham, Creemers and Rebecks (2000) model based in purpose and objective, and the more contingent approach championed by both Pazstor (2001) and Hamel and Prahalad (1994). While there has been much discussion regarding whether strategic frameworks are a useful tool for developing organizations and ventures, perhaps due to the rapid change in the business environment, it is assumed in this study that they can add value and help formulate a better plan to deal with the future. They will be used in the case study to provide an overview for the tourism industry in Africa. 3.2 Models to Add Depth and Detail This section sets out further models which will be used to add detail and depth to the case study by helping flesh out the overall strategic framework for African Tourism as it faces the next 10 years. Models of micro and macro environments can be useful, as are resource based views. A model by Yoon, and one based on ideas from Porter, developed by Crouch and Ritchies (1999) and Dwyer and Kim (2003) are also discussed. Many useful models look at the macro and micro environments. The macro environment equates to the external environment and involves the identification of threats and opportunities to the enterprise. Tools such as PESTEL (which looks at Political, Economic, Social, Technical, Enrivonmental and Legal issues) or STEEP (Socio-demographic, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political influences) are useful here. Other approaches extend these analyses by including international communications and infrastructure for example. The micro environment, on the other hand, looks at the immediate competitive threats to the enterprise. Here Porters five force model to understand competitive position (see figure 4) is useful (The hospitality leisure sport and tourism network 2011 online) Suppliers STRATEGIC POSITION Barriers to Entry Substitutes Buyers Competitive Rivalry Figure 3: Porters Five Force Model Porters model is based upon an economic model called Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP), which assumes that the structure of an organization and the industry in which it operates dictates how that organization behaves, and in turn this determines profit (performance) (Henry 2008). The model helps an organization or enterprise determine the merits of any course of action by looking at the way the five forces Porter identifies are interacting. While Porter developed the model from the point of view of organizations already operating in an area, it is also valuable for organizations or enterprises determining whether to enter a competitive environment (Henry 2008). Another useful approach is to look at organisational resources and competencies. The Resource Based View (RBV) looks in detail at the internal resources of the enterprise to work out how these can be used to gain maximum advantage. Porters value chain EXPLAIN concept can be used to understand these core competencies (The Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Network 2011 [online]) Yoons Structural Equation Model concerns the perspective of stakeholders in the tourism enterprise. It sets out the relationship between five areas: tourism development impacts, environmental attitudes, place attachment, development preferences about tourism attractions, and support for destination competitive strategy. The first three are exogenous, the latter two endogenous. Residents support for any future tourism, in the model, is determined by the way they perceive various aspects of tourism. Each of four elements or dimensions influences the total tourism impact, which in turn impacts upon the support for future tourism development. Yoons model is based in social exchange theory, which suggests that people are more likely to take part in an exchange if they think they will benefit from the exchange and will not occur too many costs. Residents need to perceive the benefits of tourism outweighing the disadvantages in order that they give their support to future developments. The model is set out in fig 4 (Yoon et al 2001) Economic Impact Social Impact Support for Tourism Total Impact Cultural Impact Environmental Impact Figure 4: Yoons Model Crouch and Ritchie develop a model based on idea of competitive and comparative advantages, including human, physical and knowledge resources, capital, infrastructure, historical and cultural resources. In this model, attractions are the basic building blocks of a destinations appeal to the public, and act as key motivators for visits. They can include cultural and natural elements. The model moves beyond merely listing advantages to incorporate a way to understand the relationships between the factors in a Conceptual Model of Destination which looks at the micro environment (the competitive situation), the macro (global) environment, core resources and attractors for primary destination appeal elements, supporting or secondary destination appeal elements and also qualifying determinants. Dwyer and Kim develop a model, strongly influenced by Crouch and Ritchie (Kozak and Andreu 2006), based around destination competitiveness that allows comparisons to be made between countries. They base competitiveness between destinations in terms of the various characteristics of a destination which make it desirable to visit. They also suggest that these factors can be managed in a process of Destination Management, promoting the appeal of core resources, strengthening their quality and adapting to contingent conditions (Dwyer and Kim 2003). Tourist destination attractiveness include natural resources (scenery, parks etc) and artificial resources (museums, hotels, culture). Administrative factors should increase attractiveness of basic resources and amplify their appeal. Administration should be conducted efficiently and with adaptation to contingencies (Navickas and Malakauskaite 2009). Factors form a hierarchy, with natural resources the base of a pyramid, followed by created re sources, then administration. Above these levels is the need for a cohesive policy and development. This pyramid will be used to structure the case study discussion. The similarities between the two models are drawn out in figure 5: Dwyer and Kim (Integrated Model) Crouch-Ritchie Model Natural Resources Cultural / Heritage Resources Core Resources (Climate, Culture, Activities Mix, Special Events, Entertainment etc) Supporting Factors and Resources (General Infrastructure, quality of service, accessibility of destination, hospitality) Supporting Factors and Resources (Infrastructure, Accessibility, Hospitality, Enterprise) Destination Management Destination Management Situational conditions Destination Policy, Planning, Development Competitive (micro) environment Global (macro) environment Demand Conditions Qualifying and Amplifying Determinants Figure 5: Dwyer and Kim, Crouch Ritchie Models (adapted from Dwyer and Kim 2003) 3.3 Regression Analysis In addition to the tools outlined above which will be used to inform the case study, this study will also include data interrogation. Data will be collected from Africa as a whole and East and West Africa as sub regions to determine the change over time for key variables upon tourism. A regression analysis will also be included on the data. Regression analysis is a statistical technique used to predict the value of one variable when we know the values of other variables. It models the relationship between two or more variables (Cohen 2007). Simple linear regression helps identify the most representative straight line connecting two sets of variables, which multiple regression maps the relationships between more than two variables. The latter will be used in this case. (Buglear 2004). 4. Case Study: African Tourism 4.1 Overview of Africa and Tourism using Business Models and Tools The methodology has set out a number of useful tools for analysing the resources of Africa as a tourist destination, which can be used in turn to develop an overall strategy for tourism, both in Africa overall and with references to differences between East and West. The following will discuss Africa in these terms, first using tools identified in the literature review such as PESTEL, STEEP and Porters Five Forces to look at Africas current position, and then taking a wider strategic view, again drawing upon tools and models discussed in the methodology.   Ã‚  While tools such as PESTEL and STEEP distinguish different areas of consideration, to some extent these divisions are artificial, and the areas overlap to some extent. 4.1.1 The Political Situation Most available information relates to the political and economic climate in Africa, and what it means for tourism.   Tourists are, for example, highly sensitive to political instability, and can fear for their personal safety. It has been suggested (Okech 2010) that only democratic countries with a respect for law and human rights can create the stability which is necessary for tourism development. The political history of Africa is complex, with many countries facing severe political problems which have their roots in colonialism and its aftermath. The Cold War and, more recently, Globalisation, have also had an impact. However, international news coverage can lead to a skewed notion that Africa is a state of ongoing political crisis. In fact, most of the countries which make up Africa, despite problems, are not in meltdown. In addition, the 1990s saw a movement dubbed Africas Second Liberation or Second Independence with more than 20 countries moving from authoritarian regimes to more democratic decision making.   To some extent however, countries are still marked by (Exploring Africa 2011 [online]) lack of democracy and plagued by rivalries between ethnic, religious and regional groups. Human rights abuses, corruption and authoritarian regimes still exist.   Ã‚  This can prove a disincentive to more main-stream tourists. Despite these problems, Many African governments are aware of the potential of tourism. Tourism allows governments to profit financially as they gain both through taxes and indirectly through duties upon items tourists buy including drink, petrol and hotel accommodation. To this the income from foreign exchanges and tax on those employed in the tourism sector can be added (Okech 2010).   Countries are consequently   investing heavily in tourism development, attempting both to promote their countries and to redeem the image of the destination. For example, Nigerias Federal Capital Territory have allocated large resources to tourism (Kareen 2008). This new focus on tourism has been further fuelled by international development agencies such as the World Bank, the International Finance Corporation, the British Department for International Development and the SNV Netherlands Development Organisation. However, investment from outside needs to be matched by government policy in order that investment can contribute to economic and social development in the most joined-up way.   Ã‚  Cross-border initiatives are also increasingly important, as tourists frequently travel across a number of African countries during their stay.   The New Partnership for Africas Development (NPAD [online] 2010), for example, sees a number of African companies join together together with a shared   recognition that tourism has great potential for economic development. Through   Ã‚  the Tourism Action Plan the NPAD set out a strategy for managing this potential. The strategy encompasses including key objectives such as creating a regulatory environm ent, strengthening planning, improving marketing and communications, promoting research and development, formulating education and skills training, and improvements to infrastructure (Rogerson 2007). Many individual countries have a range of strategies to boost tourism. Some offer incentives; for example Tanzania has reduced visa costs. Some governments develop incentives for industry by offering, for example, help with marketing cash subsidies, business finance or skills development.   Lack of funding is always an issue especially in countries like Africa where there are high levels of poverty, and tourism might seem less of an immediate priority. In addition to initiatives by individual countries, there is a move towards establishing links between African countries to help tourism, as visitors often want to see more than one country. An example is a recent links between Angola and Nambia, another the Peace Parks trans-frontier conservation areas, parks which cross boundaries and which need joint management by governments. The Peace Park foundation was created 1997 and there are now 10 established parks. Governments are learning from more established destinations,   for example South Africa (Euromonitor 2010) However, it is also recognised that governments need to take pro-active approach which takes into account input from all stakeholders, and that there is a need to draft policies and through consultation with all residents. There is an equal need for planning control, investment incentives in order to include even the poorest areas in initiatives (Okech 2010). However, while this aim is clearly desirable, it has to be questioned whether African countries will be able to implement this in practice, given some history of less than fair business practices and the existence of bribery and corruption in the past. This is an under-researched area where more primary research would be welcomed. 4.1.2 Economic Aspects In terms of the economy, Africa overall has acknowledged problems including economic stagnation, international debts, deficits, rising inflation and lack of growth (Rogerson 2007).   Ã‚  There are some signs that the economy is slowly improving, especially in terms of international trading relations, and particularly relationships with China and India.   For example, Africa-China trade was 10.6 billion dollars in 2000, 40 billion in 2005 and rose to 107 billion in 2007. Already over 700 Chinese companies operate in sub-Saharan Africa. China has also been involved in the development of Infrastructure including roads and other transport links. Oil producing regions in Africa, for example Sudan, Nigeria and Angloa, are growing in international importance (Euromonitor 2010). International investment has doubled in size between 2004 and 2005 due largely to the trend for China and other Asian countries to increase their presence and second the improvements to African infrastructure gen erally and particularly to the financial infrastructure including expansions of the debt and equity markets (Nelson 2007).   In addition, Africa seems to escaped the worst of the international recession: Africa as a whole has shown higher GDP growth than the global average, with a slight rise in average spend. However, the recession still had an impact due to a decline in visitors from regions hit by downturn more severely.   Despite these favourable signs for the future,   the African economy has declined in most countries over last few years with lower standards of living and higher levels of poverty. Naturally related problems including drought and famine play a part; in addition political factors contribute to this less than favourable outlook: for example Kenya suffered a decline after political violence in 2007/8 (Euromonitor 2010).   There has been some increase in poverty levels overall,   and falls to standards of living (Okech 2010).   There exist wide diversit ies between the different African countries in terms of Gross Domestic Product (Kareen 2008) Against this background, there is widespread hope that   tourism offers a way to   boost economy (Rogerson 2007). Where tourism infrastructure does currently exist, it is often foreign-owned.   There is evidence to suggest that this hope is well-founded: some countries in Africa, for example The Gambia and Ethiopia, have experienced 20% growth in tourism over the last 20 years. Rates of increase are different in different regions, but the trend is towards growth. Overall, over the same time period, Africa has been increasing its market share of the tourism industry with 60% of international tourists now visiting for leisure purposes. In 2005 Africa had the best performance for growth of international arrivals of all the world tourism organisation UNWTOs areas.   Tourism offers opportunities to all, as the market is growing, and has tripled between 1970 and 2003 with increases set to continue (Nelson 2007).   Tourism offers particular opportunities to Africa as it is relativ ely poor in exportable commodities.   This is confirmed by existing research. While there is a lack of published studies in the area, those that do exist back up the idea that tourism can work for Africa. For example, Fayissa, Nsiah and Tadasse (2007) found that tourism has contributed to the GDP and economic growth of African countries, and recommended strengthening the tourism industry for economic advantage. Other researchers writing about the benefits of tourism wider afield suggest that tourism is beneficial for economic growth particularly for developing (rather than developed) (Eugenio Martin et al 2004).   Other researchers found tourism played a positive role for the economy by increasing competition amongst providers of tourism services Krueger, 1980). In 2008, Kareen found, through analysis of panel data for 36 African countries, that tourism and economic growth are significantly related. He also suggests that tourism as an export product can be used to predict futur e economic growth in Africa. In addition, he suggests that there is a two-way relationship between tourism expenditure and economic growth with one feeding into the other. Higher tourism expenditure leads to higher growth, and acccalerated economic growth in turn leads to more tourism. He concludes that this relationship needs to be more widely recognised and integrated into strategy (Kareem 2008). Kareems study is a welcome addition to an area which currently lacks research. However, it is primarily concerned with statistical analyses of panel data, and less with discussing the implications for promoting tourism in Africa. More discussion would be welcome to clarify what his findings mean for the industry as a whole. The negative economic impact of tourism also needs to be kept in mind. The bulk of purchases made by tourists are non-exportable. By consuming produce of interest to the local market, tourism can make these more scarce and more expensive for local people   (Kareen 2008). Mass tourism can also have a negative impact on sustainability and the environment, which will be discussed later. One particularly important area of the economy and the impact of tourism is in the area of employment. Tourism is labour intensive, and creates a large amount of jobs including guides, interpreters, positions in travel, hotel vacancies, catering and entertainment, cultural and sports jobs. In addition it boost a number of jobs in the informal economy including prostitution and drugs.   Ã‚  Currently, tourism provides between 2 and 6% of jobs in Africa, with women representing 50% of the workforce.   Ã‚  While tourism offers the potential for increased employment, there are a number of problems to be negotiated. Current employment opportunities tend to be low or unskilled, and the infrastructure is lacking with little job security, little formal training or employee development, and few prospects for career development or personal improvement. Factors such as these cause a demoralised workforce and can impact upon productivity. In addition employment is seasonal with most travel t aking place in the northern hemisphere Winter, and with a quieter period between April to August.. This particularly effects beach destinations including Kenya in East Africa and Gambia in the West.   Many employees lose their job in low season. A further problem is that the concept of tourism is not universal. Many people in Africa, especially those in the more remote villages, do not understand the idea, and therefore fail to see the opportunities for employment and economic enhancement   (Kareem 2008). Economic considerations cannot be seen in isolation however. It should be noted that poverty, which is rife in Africa, is not just about income. It forms a complex two-way relationship with disease, literacy, the environment, education, access to justice, disempowerment and infant death (Okech 2010) 4.1.3. Other Factors While politics and economics are perhaps the most important factors to consider in devising a tourist policy for Africa, other factors play a part. One currently important socio-economic factor is the growth of interest in and demand for eco-travel, sustainability and pro-poor tourism.   Interest in these areas have been worldwide, as people have become increasingly aware of the consequences of mass market tourism. While it can bring economic advantage to tourist destinations, there are also many negative consequences including damage to the region environmentally, displacement of people, cultural upheaval, and (through foreign ownership) funds not benefiting local people. The original focus of sustainable tourism was upon protecting the environment, for example native species and bio-diversity were damaged by construction of hotels, roads and similar, but this focus has widened. The remit now includes social, economic and cultural facets, and encompasses varied areas including the greening of the industry by a new focus upon waste management and energy efficiency, protection of all resources from the environment to local cultures, the awareness of the importance of involving local communities in initiatives, and pro-poor measures (Kandari and Chandra 2004).    Africas environment is one of the key attractions for visitors, as it has many areas of natural beauty and interest (Spenceley 2008). Key natural attractions include Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, Okavango Delta in Botswana and the Namib Desert in Namibia (Bennett et al 2001). However, there are other issues which impact upon these natural attractions, and which make incorporating a sustainable perspective into tourism strategy imperative.   Parts of Africa are subject to severe climatic conditions, and the natural attractions are also threatened by human action, for example the destruction of the rain forest and savanna, and changes to the levels of bio-diversity amongst plants and animals. These environmental issues have led to political and cultural changes, for example as early as 1977 Gambia formulated the Banjal Declaration as a response to loss of wildlife. This aimed to protect biodiversity, conserve existing resources and ensure that species do not become extinct (Weaver 2001 ) Despite the relatively small size of the tourism industry in Africa currently, there has been widespread recognition of the need to promote sustainable development in the industry. The World Bank, for example, is committed to sustainable management in Africa in order to Enhance Livelihoods, Protect Peoples Health and Reduce Peoples Vulnerability to environmental risks. The African Region Environmental Strategy (ARES) also makes the support of environmentally oriented tourism a priority (World Bank 2001) Pro-Poor tourism is a fairly recent concept, which aims to ensure that revenue flows back go grass roots levels and entrepreneurs (Kareem 2008).   Pro-poor tourism is an initiative which hopes to increase benefits to poor locals from tourism, and tries to integrate these economic benefits in a way which will reduce poverty long-term. It characterizes an approach rather than a product or sector. It relates to sustainable tourism, and they have areas in common, but pro-poor tourism is different, with a higher focus upon poverty.   Many African countries are characterized by high levels of poverty, and there is a consequent need for strategy to incorporate pro-poor measures into tourism (Ashley et al 2001). Pro-poor tourism also helps the tourist fee

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How to Write a Synthesis Essay :: Synthesis Essay

The main purpose of a synthesis essay is to make insightful connections. Those connections can show the relationship(s) between parts of a work or even between two or more works. It is your job to explain why those relationships are important. In order to write a successful synthesis essay, you must gather research on your chosen topic, discover meaningful connections throughout your research, and develop a unique and interesting argument or perspective. A synthesis is not a summary. A synthesis is an opportunity to create new knowledge out of already existing knowledge, i.e., other sources. You combine, â€Å"synthesize,† the information in your sources to develop an argument or a unique perspective on a topic. Your thesis statement becomes a one-sentence claim that presents your perspective and identifies the new knowledge that you will create. Before writing your synthesis 1. Narrow a broad or general topic to a specific topic: In a short essay, completely covering a large topic is impossible, so picking a specific, focused topic is important. For example, the broad topic of global warming would need to be narrowed down to something more specific, like the effects of automobile exhaust on an ecosystem. 2. Develop a working thesis statement: A working thesis statement should include a rough idea of your topic and the important point you want to make about that topic. Writing this statement at the top of a rough draft or outline and looking at it often can help you remain focused throughout the essay. However, the thesis statement that you begin with is not set in stone. If you find that your essay shifts topic slightly, you can change your thesis in later drafts so that it matches your new focus. 3. Decide how you will use your sources: After completing your research and gathering sources, you may have a large or overwhelming amount of information. However, the purpose of a synthesis essay is to use only the most important parts of your research, the information that will best support your claim. At this point, you must decide which sources, and/or which parts of those sources, you will use. 4. Organize your research: Now, decide the order in which you will present your evidence, the various arguments you will employ, and how you will convince your readers. Writing your synthesis In the following synthesis essay the author found various sources on the same topic and used certain parts of those sources to support the thesis statement. How to Write a Synthesis Essay :: Synthesis Essay The main purpose of a synthesis essay is to make insightful connections. Those connections can show the relationship(s) between parts of a work or even between two or more works. It is your job to explain why those relationships are important. In order to write a successful synthesis essay, you must gather research on your chosen topic, discover meaningful connections throughout your research, and develop a unique and interesting argument or perspective. A synthesis is not a summary. A synthesis is an opportunity to create new knowledge out of already existing knowledge, i.e., other sources. You combine, â€Å"synthesize,† the information in your sources to develop an argument or a unique perspective on a topic. Your thesis statement becomes a one-sentence claim that presents your perspective and identifies the new knowledge that you will create. Before writing your synthesis 1. Narrow a broad or general topic to a specific topic: In a short essay, completely covering a large topic is impossible, so picking a specific, focused topic is important. For example, the broad topic of global warming would need to be narrowed down to something more specific, like the effects of automobile exhaust on an ecosystem. 2. Develop a working thesis statement: A working thesis statement should include a rough idea of your topic and the important point you want to make about that topic. Writing this statement at the top of a rough draft or outline and looking at it often can help you remain focused throughout the essay. However, the thesis statement that you begin with is not set in stone. If you find that your essay shifts topic slightly, you can change your thesis in later drafts so that it matches your new focus. 3. Decide how you will use your sources: After completing your research and gathering sources, you may have a large or overwhelming amount of information. However, the purpose of a synthesis essay is to use only the most important parts of your research, the information that will best support your claim. At this point, you must decide which sources, and/or which parts of those sources, you will use. 4. Organize your research: Now, decide the order in which you will present your evidence, the various arguments you will employ, and how you will convince your readers. Writing your synthesis In the following synthesis essay the author found various sources on the same topic and used certain parts of those sources to support the thesis statement.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Some People Believe That If Children’s Leisure Activities Are Not Educational

How children should utilize their leisure time is an issue which is discussed these days among people,some believe that the activities should be educational while others support giving children freedom to choose. Some teachers and parents have strong opinions about educational activities in childhood. They urge their children to keep studying or get engaged in educational activities. Since childhood is the best time for learning they regard it as golden days for learning.Recent surveys among children between age of 3-8 has shown that those who had educational programs in their free time were more successful in next levels of studying. though it may be hard for children at first ,it makes them to find a way for revealing their hidden talents. Children may not be aware of the result at first but as time goes by they will find it most useful method for finding their way of interest according to Doctor Bahrami's speech in Tehran university.On the contrary,some others encourage their chil dren to play more and enjoy their moments with their friends or toys around them. By their allowance children by themselves have liberty to choose activities of their interest in leisure time. Children have an opportunity to participate in group works and communicate with their same age children. Group activities even playing with same age children put them in a smallest society groups which can lead them to act better in future roles.In myy point of view, letting children to enjoy their childhood by their parents support is the best way to treat these god given beauties. Childhood is the sweetest part of life any one can experience. Creative minds grow while there is no obligation or pressure from an outer person. when children have time to draw paint or make things their talents would appear in their own way of interest. According to psychologist most of creative minds have free childhood without any obligation from their parents side.In this period(childhood)children have time to play,run and do some sports that will help them to keep fit mentally and physically. Running jumping playing keeps their body fresh and healthy and also keeps their body fit. Studies through recent years shows the increasing rate of obesity among children which is caused by modern life. Think about the way u wanted to spend your childhood. Nobody wanted to have childhood with so many educational extracurricular activities. Give your children chance to get rid of this logical acts we suppose them to do.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Writing Prompts for Journal Topics and Writing Ideas

Writing Prompts for Journal Topics and Writing Ideas May is often a beautiful month, full of flowers and sunshine. May also celebrates a week for teachers during  Teacher Appreciation Week. Many of the following writing prompts for each day of May are written to take advantage of this time of year. These prompts provide teachers a great way to add more writing time in class. Some have two suggestions, one for middle school (MS) and one for high school (HS). These can be simple writing assignments, warm-ups, or journal entries. Feel free to use these any way you wish. May Holidays American Bike MonthFlower MonthAsthma Allergy Awareness MonthNational Bar-B-Que MonthNational Physical Fitness and Sports MonthOlder Americans MonthNational Hamburger Month Writing Prompt Ideas for May May 1 - Theme: May Day(MS) May Day is a traditional celebration of Spring in countries around the globe, often including dancing and flowers around a maypole. However, May Day is rarely celebrated in the United States. Do you think that Americans should celebrate May Day? Why or why not?(HS) In Chicago 1886, 15 people were killed during the Haymaker Riot strikes held to protest poor working conditions. In sympathy, European nations, many  socialist or communist, established May Day to honor the cause of the worker.   May 2 - Theme: Holocaust Remembrance DaySome people argue that the Holocaust is too disturbing for students to learn about  in middle school or even in high school. Write a persuasive paragraph explaining why it should be included in the curriculum.   May 3 - Theme: National Day of Prayer is usually observed on the first Thursday of May. This  day is an inter-denominational event when faiths from across the country pray for the United States and its leaders. The word pray was first used in the  early 13th century to mean ask earnestly, beg. What would you like to  ask earnestly, beg for  in your life?  Ã‚     May 4 - Theme: Star Wars DayThe date comes from the  catchphrase, May the 4th [force]  Be With You.What is your opinion about the Star Wars film franchise? Do you love it, hate it? Are there reasons to appreciate the series? For example,   from 2015 to the present, the   film series has made millions of dollars: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)   over $900 millionStar Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) over $600 millionRogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)   over $500 million May 5 - Theme:  Cinco de MayoMany people across the United States celebrate the day, but they do not know what Cinco de Mayo commemorates. The day recognizes when  Mexican Armys victory over the French at the  Battle of Puebla, in 1862. Should there be more education on knowing this holiday or other international holidays?  Ã‚   May 6 - Theme: American Bike Month(MS) 40% of Americans have a bicycle. Do you know how to ride a bike?   Do you have a bicycle? What could be the advantages of having a bicycle? What are the disadvantages of riding a bike?(HS) Urban planners include more bike lanes to reduce car traffic. The benefits of bicycles in cities are the reduction of car emissions and the increase of exercise. Is this planning a good thing? Or, is this planning something cities should do? Could this planning be like the idiom the says something is needed like a fish needs a bicycle  ? May 7 - Theme: Teacher Appreciation  (Week May 7-11)What qualities do you think a great teacher must have? Explain your answer.Do you have a favorite teacher from your school experiences? Write a letter of appreciation to that teacher. May 8 - Theme: National Train DayHigh-speed trains can travel fast with some prototypes with speeds over 400 mph. In theory, a high-speed train could race up the East Coast, from NYC to Miami, in seven hours. The same trip would take a car about 18.5 hours. Should Americans invest in high-speed rails for trains or in roads for cars?     Why or why not?May 9 - Theme: Peter Pan DayPretend you were in J.M. Barries story about Peter Pan, a boy who never grows up and remain eternally young. Which part would you most like to see or do: fly, visit with mermaids, fight the pirate Captain Hook, or meet the mischevious fairy Tinkerbell? Explain your answer. May 10 - Theme: Civil Disobedience.In 1994, political activist  Nelson Mandela was sworn in as South Africas 1st black president. Mandela followed the example of the civil disobedience practices used by Gandhi and Martin Luther King.   Consider Kings statement, Any man who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust and willingly accepts the penalty by staying in jail to arouse the conscience of the community on the injustice of the law is at that moment expressing the very highest respect for the law.For what injustice would you practice civil disobedience?ORMay 10: Theme: PostcardsIn 1861, the US Post Office authorized the first postcard.  Postcards are usually sent from a vacation place or as a greeting card to mark an event, or even just to say hello.Design a postcard and prepare a message. May 11 - Theme: Asthma Allergy Awareness MonthDo you have asthma or allergies? If so, what are your triggers? (What makes you have an attack or sneeze, etc.) If not, do you think that schools do enough to help those who have asthma and allergies? Why or why not?May 12: Theme: National Limerick DayLimericks are poems with the following scheme: five-lines of an anapestic  meter (unstressed syllable, unstressed syllable, stressed syllable)   with a strict  rhyme scheme  of AABBA. For example: There was an Old Man in a tree,Who was horribly bored by a Bee;When they said, Does it buzz?He replied, Yes, it does!Its a regular brute of a Bee! Try to write a limerick.   May 13 - Theme: Mothers DayWrite a descriptive paragraph or poem about either your Mother or someone who is a Mother figure to you.ORMay 13 - Theme: Tulip DayIn the 17th century, tulip bulbs were so prized that traders would mortgage their houses and fields.   (provide a picture or bring in real tulips). Describe a tulip or another flower using all five senses. May 14 - Theme: Lewis and Clark ExpeditionWilliam Clark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was able to create a map of the Louisiana Purchase by merely walking through and exploring it. Today Google uses  cars with custom cameras over  five million miles  to develop their Google Maps apps. How do maps figure in your life? How might they figure in your future?May 15 - Theme: L. F. Baums Birthday - Author of the Wizard of Oz books and creator of Dorothy, the Wicked Witch of the West, the Scarecrow, the Lion, the Tin Man, and the Wizard.Which character from the world of Oz would you most like to meet? Explain your answer. May 16 - Theme: National Bar-B-Que MonthThe  word barbecue comes from the Caribbean word â€Å"barbacoa.† Originally, barbacoa was not a way of cooking food, but the name of a wooden structure used by indigenous Taino Indians to smoke their food. Barbeque ranks in the top 20 most popular foods in the USA. Whats your favorite picnic food? Do you like bar-b-que, hamburgers, hot dogs, fried chicken, or something else entirely? What makes it so special? May 17 - Theme: Kentucky Derby(MS) This horse race is also called  The Run for the Roses for the draped blanket of roses placed over the winning horse. This idiom uses a rose, as do many other idioms. Choose one of the following rose idioms, or any other idiom you know, and give an example as to when it could be used: a bed of rosesa rose by any other namebed of rosesbloom is off the rosebring the roses to (ones) cheekscome out smelling like a rose (HS) Just before the race at the Kentucky Derby, the crowds sing My Old Kentucky Home. The revised lyrics of the original song by Stephen Foster changed the  word darkies,   and substituted the word people. Crowds now sing: The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky homeTis summer, the people are gay... Should songs with questionable lyrics from years ago continue to be used for public events? Are there songs that are so inappropriate that they should be dropped entirely? May 18 - Theme: International Museum DayThere are numerous world-class museums around the world. For example, there is The Louvre, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The Hermitage. There are also some oddball museums such as Museum of Bad Art or the National Mustard Museum.If you could create a museum about any topic, what would it be about? Describe two or three exhibits that would be in your museum.May 19 - Theme: Circus MonthIn 1768, the English equestrian  Philip Astley demonstrated trick riding by trotting in a circle rather than a straight line. His act was named a circus. As today is circus day, you have a choice of topics: If you were in a circus, which performer would you be and why?Do you like circuses? Explain your answer.Do you think circuses should feature animals? Why or why not? May 20 - Theme: National Physical Fitness and Sports MonthEach state requires a specific number of minutes that students should participate in physical activity.   If your state requires  physical fitness activity for the next 30 minutes, what activity would you choose? Why? May 21 - Theme: Lindbergh Flight DayOn this day in 1927, Charles Lindbergh took off on his famous flight across the Atlantic. Would you like to learn how to fly a plane? Why or why not? May 22 - Theme: Older Americans MonthDo you believe that older Americans are treated with enough respect today? Explain your answer. May 23 - Theme: World Turtle/Tortoise DayToday is World Turtle Day. Conservation efforts are demonstrating success, and turtle populations are up.   Tortoises can live long lives. One,  Adwaita the Tortoise (1750-2006), is reputed to have lived over 250 years. What events would a tortoise who lived that long have witnessed? What event would you like to have seen? May 24 - Theme: First Morse Code Message SentA simple substitution code is when you replace each letter with a different letter. For example, all As become Bs, and Bs become Cs, etc. I have written the following sentence using this type of code so that each letter of the alphabet is written as the letter that comes after it. What does my sentence say? Do you agree or disagree with it?Dpef csfbljoh jt fbtz boe gvo. May 25 - Theme: John F. Kennedys Speech About Sending a Man to the MoonOn this day in 1961, John F. Kennedy said that America would send a man to the moon before the end of the 1960s.   We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. Why is this speech so significant? Should Americans continue space exploration because it is hard?   May 26 - Theme: National Hamburger MonthOn average, Americans eat three hamburgers a week. What is your favorite type of hamburger or veggie burger? Is it plain or with toppings like cheese, bacon, onions, etc.? If not a hamburger, what food do you (or could you) eat three times a week? Describe a favorite food using at least three of the five senses. May 27 - Theme: Golden Gate Bridge OpensThe Golden Gate Bridge is a symbol of San Francisco, recognizable by people all over the world. Do you have any symbols or monuments for your city or community? What are they? Even if you dont have a symbol that you can think of,   explain why you think these types of symbols are important to people. May 28 - Theme: Amnesty International DayThe goal of Amnesty International is to protect and promote human rights across the world. Their motto is, Fight injustice and help create a world where human rights are enjoyed by all.  In some countries, genocide (the systemized killing of an entire ethnic group) is still being carried out. What is the responsibility of the United States? Do we have a duty to step in and stop these types of human rights violations? Explain your answer. May 29 - Theme: Paper Clip DayThe paperclip was created in 1889. There is a paperclip game  to play that pits you against market forces. There is also a movie,  Paper Clips, featuring middle school students who collected  one  paper clip  for each  person  exterminated by the Nazis. The paper clip was also a symbol of resistance in Norway against  Nazi  occupation.   This small everyday object has made its way into history. What other uses could you come up with for a paper clip?ORTheme: Memorial DayMemorial Day is a federal holiday that originated when decorations were placed on the graves of Civil War soldiers. Decoration Day gave way to Memorial Day, the last Monday in May.What are three things that we can do to honor those men and women who died while serving in our military?   May 30- Theme-Emerald GemstoneThe emerald is Mays gemstone. The stone is a symbol of rebirth and is believed to grant the owner foresight, good fortune, and youth. The color green  is associated with new life and the promise of spring. What promises of spring do you see now?   May 31 - Theme: Meditation DayA combination of anecdotal and scientific evidence  suggests that meditation in schools may help improve grades and attendance. Yoga and meditation may help students at all grade levels feel happier and more relaxed. What do you know about meditation and yoga? Would you like to see meditation programs brought into your school?

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Texting turnaround on literacy - Emphasis

Texting turnaround on literacy Texting turnaround on literacy Theres been another U-turn on the effects of texting on childrens literacy skills. The latest research, conducted by Dr Clare Wood at the British Academy, suggests that, far from damaging their ability to read and write, using textisms like LOL and plz is actually a sign of sophisticated phonological development. Great news for the future generation, certainly. But is anyone else dizzy yet?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Role of Technology in Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Role of Technology in Terrorism - Essay Example This paper will expansively present how technology plays a pivotal role in terrorism when selecting target areas. "Much terrorist behavior is less than rational, and suicide is not the act of a rational person. Many experts (Ganor 2000; Schweitzer 2000) have commented on the tendency for modern terrorists to use suicide attacks. In fact, theIslamic Jihad(there are several Islamic Jihads started in the 1980s, all stemming from inside the Muslim Brotherhood movement started in the 1920s) have specialized in the use of suicide bombers, which involve a person wearing explosives or detonating a vehicle packed with explosives." (The Readiness to Kill and Die). Suicide Bombers have been used time and again to carry out difficult missions, terrorists who have stern determination are selected for this mission and a live bomb with a timer is tied to their body in order to accomplish the mission. The Suicidal tendency of the terrorists is time and again capitalized upon by several terrorist organizations. "Suicide terrorism, which is also called a suicide mission or a martyrdom operation, among other terms, is something of a growth industry because in 2005 alone, there were 555 such attacks around the world (Gambetta 2005). Poverty is the main cause of people turning towards terrorism; no one is foolish enough to blow himself up for no reason. The terrorists' organization take good care of the family members of the terrorists and the same motivates more and more people to become actively involved in several terrorists' activities; this is the only reason why the world is yet to come up with a fool-proof system to counter this long standing men ace. "There is a lot of propaganda and window-dressing surrounding suicide terrorism. Most of the myths about it are tied to specific contexts. The fact is: suicide terrorism can occur in a number of settings, both indoor and out; it is not confined to the Middle East; it indirectly can serve numerous terrorist purposes; and because of this, some people say it may very well be the kind of terrorism the world is likely to see more of in the future." (Bloom 2005). Bioterrorism Bioterrorism is consistently on the rise because it is very easy to obtain Biological weapons and another influential factor is that it causes fear of much larger magnitude when compared to the other weapons used by the terrorists. The biggest motive of terrorists when biological weapons are used is to cause immense fear in the minds of the people. Anthrax is a very popular biological weapon used by the terrorists, in the year 2001 the people in the US suffered a lot because of Anthrax menace, it was later found that the terrorists deliberately did the same in order to weaken the bio defence system in the US. Anthrax was used in several mails in the US and when the recipients opened the mails the anthrax spread thorough their nostrils entering into their body. Anthrax is more than capable of causing death unless the patient is immediately attended to. Of late anthrax has become out dated and no such cases have been reported but terrorists are consistently finding new ways to spread

Friday, November 1, 2019

Twelve Security Attack Trends of 2011 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Twelve Security Attack Trends of 2011 - Essay Example People involved in the business of hacking widely adopt this attack. Security products are not yet able to launch any remedy for it (ComputerWeekly 2010) The second security threat is about file security which is from sharing of files, applications and database that is growing at the rate of 60% annually. File sharing is getting popular day by day specially after launching of Microsoft product Sharepoint. Expansion of Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) technology to organizations and files besides databases and web applications have open new doors for the attacks Careful measures are needed to protect attacks such as data thefts and files manipulations (ComputerWeekly 2010) The third security threat is from the growth of Smartphones market due to its integration with various web applications and global databases. Intimation to consumers about completion of each and every transaction in their account through SMS messaging services has generated new opportunities for hackers who could use the path of sending data outside the domain for attack. This path of data transition can be used by intruders for data theft and unauthorised access (ComputerWeekly 2010) The fourth security threat is from cloud computing as the large infrastructure of information technology is now rapidly shifting to cloud where hackers and intruders are already present. They will come side by side and the chance of security breach will increase. Opportunities for attacking will develop with the development of consumers and customers of cloud computing (ComputerWeekly 2010) The fifth security threat is from insider. The high rate of job loss due to economic recessions have built a huge source of people who are frustrated and disgruntled and ready to take revenge or make money. The economic pressure and opportunities for selling information may pose serious threats to their previous employers (ComputerWeekly 2010) The sixth security threat is from social networks which have attacked privacy of many people by collecting information in the name of personal profiles. Tricks such as false promises and incomplete information are used to attract people for collection of personal information (ComputerWeekly 2010) The seventh security threat is from convergence of regulations of most countries and to have global laws for data security and privacy. This can bring many more opportunities for intruders and hackers (ComputerWeekly 2010) The eighth security threat is from the separation of cyber security and business operations. Keeping cyber security apart from business operations has created huge opportunities for hackers and individuals. The trend of making cyber security the part of business operations is developing rapidly for example Intel Corporation made acquisition of McAfee and HP of Fortify (ComputerWeekly 2010) The ninth security threat is from the proactive approach of security practitioners which has although helped in catching more hackers, created strong professional ‘bar’ of hackers (ComputerWeekly 2010) The tenth security threat is from the attacks of hackers on industry. Success of industrialized hackers has encouraged many more hackers to learn and adopt this approach (ComputerWeekly 2010) Figure 1 shows the extract from (ComputerWeekly 2010) which describes the above ten security threats of 2011 Figure 1: Extract (ComputerWeekly 2010) The eleventh security threat is from cyber war which began with the leakages of Stuxnet and